Comments Date of visit?* MM slash DD slash YYYY Time of visit?* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Which Texas Burger did you visit?*5200 Andrews Hwy., Odessa, TX1507 N. JBS Parkway, Odessa, TX7546 W. University Blvd, Odessa, TX500 W. Wadley, Midland, TX3306 N. Loop 250 W., Midland, TX7850 E. HWY. 191, Odessa, TX1107 N. Main, Andrews, TX1502 Knickerbocker Rd, San Angelo, TXWas this your first visit to Texas Burger?* Yes No Quality of Food* Excellent Average Poor What was wrong with our food quality? Speed of Service* Excellent Average Poor What was wrong with our speed service? Friendliness/Service* Excellent Average Poor What was wrong with our friendliness or quality? Overall Dining Experience* Excellent Average Poor What was wrong with the overall dining experience? Cleanliness* Excellent Average Poor What was wrong with our cleanliness? Which of the following influenced your decision to dine with us today?* Regular Visit Newspaper Referral Radio Saw the Sign T.V. Mail Was your order properly prepared?* Yes No What was wrong with your order? Would you recommend us to a friend?* Yes No Did you order takeout?* Yes No Will you visit us again?* Yes No Why not? Additional CommentsYour Contact InformationName* First Last Phone*Email* Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP / Postal Code